Creating a Boundary Polygon
(ArcGIS Pro) Using the Minimum Bounding Geometry tool to create boundary polygons
Converting Vector Features to Rasters
Brief Description: (ArcGIS Pro) Accessing and using the Feature to Raster tool, with an example
Working with Network Analysis Layers
(ArcGIS Pro) An introduction to working with Network Analysis Layers; the basic workflow of network analysis in ArcGIS
Making a Service Area Analysis Layer
(ArcGIS Pro) Accessing and using the Make a Service Area Analysis Layer tool; Accessing and changing Service Area Analysis Layer properties
Adding Locations to a Network Analysis Layer
(ArcGIS Pro) Accessing and using the Add Locations tool to assign point locations to network analysis sublayers
Solving a Network Analysis Layer
(ArcGIS Pro) Accessing the Solve network analysis tool; Review of the tool’s parameters and options; Running the tool with an example and examining its results
Creating & Building a simple Esri Network Dataset
(ArcGIS Pro) Creating a network dataset, examining results including “dirty areas” and the dataset’s properties; Building the network dataset; Accessing, adding, or editing network attributes
Creating an Esri Feature Dataset
(ArcGIS Pro) Creating a feature dataset within a geodatabase with the Create Feature Dataset tool
Importing a Feature Class into a Geodatabase
(ArcGIS Pro) Importing or copying a feature class to a geodatabase using the Feature Class to Geodatabase tool
Spatial Joins
(ArcGIS Pro) Setting up and executing a spatial join, with a point-to-polygon example.
Table Joins
(ArcGIS Pro) Preparing a table join, including checking field data types; Performing a table join through the interface, with the Add Join tool, and with the Join Field tool; Exporting joined data to a new feature class.
Setting Up Parallel Processing
(ArcGIS Pro) Setting a Parallel Processing factor in ArcGIS Pro’s Environment settings
Using the Raster Calculator for Map Algebra
(ArcGIS Pro) Accessing the Raster Calculator tool; Raster Calculator options and parameters; Four Examples using the Raster Calculator: Adding two raster layers, addition and multiplication, subtraction between layers, and multiplying by a binary raster
Extracting Rasters with a Mask Layer
(ArcGIS Pro) Reviewing the utility of the Extract by Mask tool; Accessing the Extract by Mask tool and reviewing its options and parameters; Running the tool and examining its results
Reclassifying Rasters
(ArcGIS Pro) Accessing the Reclassify tool and reviewing its options and parameters; Three examples: Reclassifying by Quantile, Reclassifying with Manual ranges, and Creating a binary raster with reclassification
Creating Euclidean Distance Rasters from Vector Inputs
(ArcGIS Pro) Accessing the Euclidean Distance tool; Reviewing the tool parameters and options; Running the tool and examining its results
Plotting XY Coordinates
(ArcGIS Pro) Plotting XY coordinate points as an event layer; Using the XY Table to Point tool to plot coordinates in a new feature class.
the CRS of a Map View
(ArcGIS Pro) Default setting for a map view’s coordinate reference system; Checking and changing the coordinate system of a map view.