Identifying the CRS of a Feature Layer
(ArcGIS Pro) Identifying the coordinate reference system and projection of a feature layer within the layer’s properties
Accessing (and Modifying) CRS Details
(ArcGIS Pro) How to access the details of a projected CRS (and modify these details if you wish).
Reprojecting Spatial Data
(ArcGIS Pro) Reprojecting or changing the coordinate reference system of a vector or raster layer; the Project tool and Project Raster tool
Defining the Projection of a Vector Feature Class
(ArcGIS Pro) Using the Define Projection tool to assign a coordinate system to a feature class
Batch Processing (almost) any tool in QGIS
(QGIS) Accessing the option to execute a tool as a batch process; the Batch Processing dialogue box
Changing the Maximum Sample Size (Quantitative Symbology Options)
(ArcGIS Pro) Increasing the maximum sample size within quantitative symbology options.
All About Layer Properties
(ArcGIS Pro) Accessing the Layer Properties dialogue box; Vector layer properties; Raster layer properties
Using Bookmarks for Map Views
(ArcGIS Pro) Creating bookmarks; Using and Managing bookmarks
Adding Rasters to a Map Project (pyramids & statistics)
(ArcGIS) Understanding the prompts to “calculate statistics” or “build pyramids” when you add a raster layer to a map project.
Citing Maps & Data
Examples and references for citing datasets and maps in APA and Chicago.
Categorical (Unique Values) Symbology for Raster Datasets
(ArcGIS Pro) Accessing symbology options; Applying unique values symbology to a raster; Bonus: don’t use a color ramp for categorical data
Unclassified Quantitative Symbology for Rasters (”Stretched” Colors)
(ArcGIS Pro) Stretched rasters as default; Stretched symbology options; Statistics options and examining the histogram; Changing the color ramp
Classified Quantitative Symbology for Raster Datasets
(ArcGIS Pro) Symbology options; Classification methods; Changing the number of classes; Changing the color ramp; Examining the histogram
Symbolizing Composite Rasters as Stretched RGB values
(ArcGIS Pro) Access symbology options; RBG primary symbology
Dynamic Range Adjustment for symbolizing rasters
(ArcGIS Pro) Access DRA options; Demonstrating Dynamic Range Adjustment
Single Symbols for Vector Features
(ArcGIS Pro) Single symbols by default; Formatting a symbol: Format gallery and properties; Two examples
Categorical Symbols for Vector Features
(ArcGIS Pro) Accessing the Categorical Symbology options, with point features; Employing categorical symbols based on one or more fields; Formatting categorical symbols, in the Symbol Format Gallery; Additional examples with polylines and polygons