Geoprocessing Extents

Included in this tutorial:

  • Accessing Environment settings

  • Setting geoprocessing extents within a project’s environment settings

Software version in examples: ArcGIS Pro 2.8.2

Tutorial Data: The tutorial includes demonstration with sample data available here.

Credits: L. Meisterlin with Moses Levich, Thiago Lee and Erik Strand (2021)


This short tutorial demonstrates how to set limits on the geographic extents within which certain geoprocessing operations will be performed in your project’s Environments settings.

To access these options, click through Analysis (tab on the main menu ribbon) > Geoprocessing (panel of the main menu ribbon) > Environments.

Under Processing Extent in the Environments dialogue box, use the drop-down to specify the area within which geoprocessing operations will run. 

In the demonstration below, we select “Current Display Extent” to limit the extent of geoprocessing operations to the boundaries of the current Map View. Other options include “Same as Layer” which will use the cardinal bounding box of a specific data layer as the geoprocessing extents.

TIP: You can also set geoprocessing extents on a case-by-case basis within the “Environment” settings of specific tools.

defining the extent for geoprocessing tools


Plotting XY Coordinates


the CRS of a Map View