Proposing New Greenmarkets in New York City
Skills tutorials to support the three-part exercise.
Part 1: Raster Analysis, Map Algebra, & Introducing Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis
See the Projection and CRS Basics page, which collects several tutorials related to changing map projection, reprojecting data, and defining a dataset’s projection.
In ArcGIS Pro, see Geoprocessing Extents.
In ArcGIS Pro, see Plotting X,Y Coordinates.
For ArcGIS Pro, see Creating Euclidean Distance Rasters from Vector Inputs. (Warning: this tool will soon be retired.)
For a refresher of Symbology and Classification (for rasters and vectors) in ArcGIS Pro, see this page which includes a collection of tutorials on the topic.
For a review of the Reclassification tool in ArcGIS Pro, including different examples, see Reclassifying Rasters.
For a description of ArcGIS’s Extract by Mask tool, see Extracting Rasters with a Vector Mask Layer.
For refreshers on querying techniques, including creating a new feature class from selected features, see Basic Queries and Selections in ArcGIS Pro.
For a description of the Raster Calculator in ArcGIS Pro (with several examples), see Using the Raster Calculator for Map Algebra.
Part 2: Network Analysis
For refreshers on querying techniques, including creating a new feature class from selected features, see Basic Queries and Selections in ArcGIS Pro.
To create (and build) a network dataset from a prepared polyline file in ArcGIS, you need these three skills:
ArcGIS uses “Analysis Layers” to contain the various inputs and outputs of network analyses. I strongly recommend reading through the Working with Network Analysis Layers tutorial before proceeding through the other steps. The list of relevant tutorials (in order) are…
The Service Area (from Layer) tool in QGIS only processes one distance threshold at a time. As a result, I’m adding the tutorial for batch processing in QGIS for your reference.
You will need to choose an approach for constructing bounding geometry polygons from your Service Area points and/or lines. See:
If you need a refresher on performing table joins in ArcGIS, see this Table Joins tutorial.
The FAQs page also has tips under Tables & Table Joins.
For a reminder on dissolving features based on attributes, see the Dissolving Features tutorial.
In ArcGIS Pro: For a reminder on adding and calculating fields in your attribute table, see this tutorial on Adding & Calculating Fields in an Attribute Table.
Also, see this page of Common Field Calculations.
The exercise specifically suggests a combination of Union and Spatial Join to sum different base scores in places with overlapping service areas.
Union (ArcGIS Pro from Esri; QGIS documentation)
Spatial Joins (ArcGIS Pro; QGIS)
Converting between vector features and raster datasets is a straightforward operation in most GIS software. For a review in ArcGIS, see Converting Vector Features to Rasters (the process is the same in QGIS).
Part 3: Spatial Statistics
If you need a refresher on performing table joins in ArcGIS, see this Table Joins tutorial.
The FAQs page also has tips under Tables & Table Joins.
In ArcGIS Pro, see Clipping Features.
In ArcGIS Pro, see Adding and Calculating Fields in an Attribute Table and Calculating Geometry Attributes of Vector Features. The website also maintains a list of Common Field Calculations.
In ArcGIS Pro, see Using the Hotspot Analysis tool for Getis-Ord Gi* test tutorial.
For QGIS, see Oxoli and Prestifilippo (2021) Hotspot Analysis plugin.
For information on Esri’s tool in ArcGIS Pro (called “Cluster and Outlier Analysis”), see here.
In QGIS, the Oxoli & Prestifilippo (2021) Hotspot Analysis plugin will run the test (mentioned above). The Local Moran’s I is also available in the Spatial Analysis Toolbox plugin (Delialis, 2022).