a space for teaching and learning geospatial technologies, GIS, and mapping
Beyond Software & Code
Learning math is not the same as learning to use a calculator. Learning geospatial and GIS technologies is no different. The resources collected here respond to the growing need for software-agnostic, contextualized, and concept-driven spatial pedagogies.
Skills Tutorials
The skills tutorials aim to introduce GIS and geospatial learners to the range of activities performed by GIS analysts across multiple platforms and software.
Most of the skills tutorials assume familiarity with the geographic or cartographic concepts employed by each tool. These concepts are covered in the courses.
Course materials are forthcoming. Contact us for information on custom courses.
About Mapping 101
The materials presented here are a continuous work-in-progress, compiled to support widespread teaching and learning of geographic information systems, critical geospatial methodology design, and cartographic practice. Initially, much of the contents were developed within Leah Meisterlin’s courses at multiple colleges and universities, from 2012 onward. Beginning in early 2025, instructional and pedagogical materials from Leah’s various courses are (slowly) being updated and migrated to this site to serve as a single repository and resource.
Mapping101 is a Meisterlin Project. For more, reach out at info@meisterlinprojects.com.