Calculating Percent Difference
(ArcGIS Pro) Calculate the percent difference between values in two fields of an attribute table; Example with a single expression and an example with a combination of an expression and a code block.
Adding & Calculating Fields in an Attribute Table
(ArcGIS Pro) Accessing and using the tools to create a new attribute field and calculating field values; Links to examples of field calculation utilities.
Calculating Proportion (& other simple calculations)
(ArcGIS Pro) An example of using the Calculate Field tool and its built-in simple operators; Calculating a proportion based on two existing fields; How to limit the output of a field calculation with an attribute query.
Copying Values to a New Field
(ArcGIS Pro) Copying values from one attribute table field to another, using the Calculate Field tool in ArcGIS.
Excerpt a String from a Series or List
(ArcGIS Pro, Python) Writing an expression with a code block in ArcGIS, using python. Extract an element from a list in a field calculation. With examples.
Concatenating Fields
(ArcGIS Pro) Calculating attribute field values as a concatenation of existing field values.