Categorical Symbols for Vector Features
(ArcGIS Pro) Accessing the Categorical Symbology options, with point features; Employing categorical symbols based on one or more fields; Formatting categorical symbols, in the Symbol Format Gallery; Additional examples with polylines and polygons
Unclassified Quantitative Symbology for Vector Features
(ArcGIS Pro) Accessing unclassified quantitative symbology options; Unclassed colors, with examples for points and other feature types; Proportional symbols; Dot density symbols.
Classifying Features by Quantitative Attribute Values
(ArcGIS Pro) Accessing a quantitative symbology type; Classification method options; Accessing histograms and statistics
Classified Quantitative Symbology for Vector Features
(ArcGIS Pro) Accessing classified symbology options; Graduated Colors to create a choropleth map; Graduated Symbols with point features