Creating Buffers
(ArcGIS Pro) Accessing the Buffer tool and reviewing its parameters; Running the tool with one example.
Getting Started in Visual Studio Code
(Visual Studio Code) Launching Visual Studio Code; Creating a new folder for your project; Setting up a basic HTML file; Opening and running your first web page in a browser.
Getting Started with Leaflet
(Leaflet) Preparing your Leaflet Page; Setting up your first map
Using the Hotspot Analysis tool for Getis-Ord Gi*
(ArcGIS Pro) Accessing the Hotspot Analysis tool; Reviewing the tool’s parameters and options for the Getis-Ord Gi* test for local clustering; Running the tool with an example and reviewing the results.
Calculating Geometry Attributes of Vector Features
(ArcGIS Pro) Accessing the tools to calculate geometry attributes (two options); Using the Calculate Geometry Attributes tool with two examples (area of polygon features and coordinates of point features) and examining the results
Getting Started and Basic Settings
(QGIS) Launching QGIS; Accessing global and project settings; Creating and saving a new project.
Converting Rasters to Polygon Features
(ArcGIS Pro) Accessing the Raster to Polygon tool; Reviewing the tools options and parameters; Running the tool with an example and examining its results
Adding and Ordering Layers in a Project
(QGIS) Adding data to a map project; Reordering data layers
Using Esri’s Image Classification Wizard
(ArcGIS Pro) Accessing the Image Classification Wizard; Reviewing the steps of image classification; Executing the steps (required and optional) of image classification with an example for demonstration
Creating Training Samples for Supervised Image Classification
(ArcGIS Pro) Accessing and inspecting the Training Sample manager; Creating training samples in a new class; Manipulating samples; Saving the schema and training samples
Making a Raster Layer from a Multiband Raster Dataset
(ArcGIS Pro) Creating a layer from a multiband raster dataset, using the Make Raster Layer tool, with an example and examining its results
Exporting a Raster Dataset (to a new raster dataset)
(ArcGIS Pro) Accessing the Export Raster tool; Reviewing its options and parameters
Downloading Landsat Data from the USGS EarthExplorer
(web) Accessing, filtering, and downloading Landsat imagery from the USGS EarthExplorer website
Changing the background of a Map Canvas
(QGIS) Accessing map view properties; Changing the background color of a map.
Print Layouts and Map Frames
(QGIS) Creating and adding elements to a print layout; Exporting a map
Creating a Composite Band Raster Dataset
(ArcGIS Pro) Using the Composite Bands tool to create a multiband raster dataset from individual rasters, with an example
Dissolving Features
(ArcGIS Pro) Comparing the Dissolve and Pairwise Dissolve tools; Dissolving features, with an example, and examining results.
Creating Service Areas from an Input Feature Layer
(QGIS) Accessing and using the Service Area (from Layer) tool, with an example and examining its results
Creating & Comparing Bounding Geometry
(QGIS) Comparing and discussing different tools for creating bounding geometry polygons from the Vector Geometry toolset, including Minimum Bounding Geometry, Concave Hull (alpha shapes), and Concave Hull (K-Nearest Neighbors)