Making a Raster Layer from a Multiband Raster Dataset
Included in this tutorial:
Accessing the Make Raster Layer tool and reviewing its parameters
Running the tool with an example and examining the results
Software version in examples: ArcGIS Pro 3.0.0.
Tutorial Data: The tutorial includes demonstration with a multiband composite raster created from Landsat 8 data acquired from the USGS EarthExplorer website.
Credits: L. Meisterlin and Nikolas Michael (2022)
This tutorial demonstrates making a raster layer from a multiband raster dataset using the Make Raster Layer tool in ArcGIS Pro, using a multiband composite raster created from Landsat 8 data acquired from the USGS EarthExplorer website.
Related Tutorials and additional information:
The result of the Make Raster Layer tool is a temporary layer within the current map project, which you can export to a permanent raster dataset. See Exporting a Raster Dataset (to a new raster dataset).
For more information on creating the dataset used as an example input in this tutorial, see Downloading Landsat Data from the USGS EarthExplorer and Creating a Composite Band Raster Dataset.
Accessing the Make Raster Layer tool
Access the Make Raster Layer tool by clicking through Data Management Tools > Layers and Table View > Make Raster Layer in the Geoprocessing pane. You can also search for “Make Raster Layer” in the geoprocessing search bar.
The Make Raster Layer parameters & options
In the tool’s dialogue box, you will find parameters to set the input raster, the output raster, the “envelope,” and the bands to include. These are described below.
the Make Raster Layer tool pane, with example inputs
Input raster: Specify the input raster from which to create your temporary layer.
Output raster layer name: Specify the output layer name. Note that you do not have the option to specify a location, this is because it is not saved beyond this project. Rather, it can be used for analysis within this current map project.
Envelope: Specify the extents of the output. By default (assuming you have not limited the geoprocessing extents of your project), it is set to the extent of the input raster.
If the geoprocessing extents are not limited within your project’s settings or for this tool (under “Environments”), you can use this parameter as a quick way to do so.
Bands: Specify which bands to include from the input raster within the output layer (in order).
In the example, we are only exporting one band of a multiband raster. Note that you can add more by clicking the Add another tool.
When your inputs are set up, click Run to execute the tool.
Examining the example output
In the example, we created a new, temporary raster layer from one band in our input multiband raster. That layer is now added to the current map project (see screenshot below). Notice its default symbology is that of a single-band, quantitative raster.
the resulting layer created from the Make Raster tool
Again, to save the layer as a raster dataset (for use within this project or in others), export it.